Gender Affirming Care

Gender affirming care is an approach that recognizes, supports, and affirms people’s gender identities. It is often referred to in health care contexts, however gender affirmation extends to all interactions with others, regardless of setting.

Why is it needed?

Gender affirming care helps to make accessing health care a safe, comfortable, and inclusive experience.

Gender diverse + queer individuals are:

  • at higher risk for many health conditions

  • discriminated against leading to delayed or no healthcare

Healthcare providers have a responsibility to provide gender affirming care to clients

Our Inclusive measures:

Gender neutral bathrooms + pricing

  • Chosen name and pronouns on intake and booking forms

  • Trans inclusive policies

  • Practitioners use trauma-informed, consent led model

  • Treatments can help support trans health (i.e emotional wellbeing, hormone therapy side effects, pre/post surgery care)

Where to learn more:

Ren Health Collective is proud to be a member of Skipping Stone’s Trans Affirming Network.

Resources in on gender affirming care include:

  • Skipping Stone

  • Community Based Research Centre

  • Centre for Sexuality


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