Acupressure point for allergy symptoms

Acupressure provides many of the same benefits of acupuncture, but uses massage-like actions instead of needles to stimulate the points.

If seasonal allergies are getting you down, acupressure can help you find relief!

The point: Large Intestine 20 (Yingxiang):

  • Opens the nasal passages to relieve nasal congestion, nasal discharge and sneezing

  • Expels the patterns of wind and heat in TCM (helps with inflammation and viruses)

How to find it:

Next to the nostril on either side of the nose, along the nasolabial groove (smile lines).

How to use it:

Gently massage this point with your fingertip in small circles, for 1 minute in each direction.


Please consult an acupuncturist or other healthcare provider if you have a serious or chronic condition before trying acupressure at home.


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